Berlin Web 2.0 Expo

Microformats: Web of Data

Web 2.0 Expo Berlin
Microformats: Web of Data
November 6th, 9:00 - 9:50
Messe Berlin GmbH
Messedamm 22
Suite: New York 3
14055 Berlin Germany


Microformats allow you to extend the limited semantics of HTML, thus allowing for a richer web of data. By embedding microformats into HTML it is possible to use the semantic meaning to extract unambiguous data from the web that can then be used in other applications. Microformats focus on how people are already publishing their data online. This session focuses on the more technical aspects of microformats, how they interact with other Semantic Web technologies such as GRDDL and SPARQL, along with a look at browser plugins to detect microformats and browser integration.


Recommended Reading


Places to find more information about Web 2.0 Expo and Microformats


Last modified: October 11, 2009 15:30:54 UTC

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