
Cluedo (UK), or Clue (US), is a popular mystery game played around the world. The names and places are different, but the game is the same.


This is a more complete notes taking system that allows you to easily deduce the murderer, weapon, and room. First, mark-off all of the cards you have. Second, when you see a card, mark the owner with a check mark, and cross off that card for all other players. Thirdly, when a card is shown to another player, put a slash in each of the boxes corresponding to the cards asked on a new row. As cards are eliminated you can deduce which card were shown earlier in the game. It is also helpful to count the number of cards each player has, therefore when you have seen all of a given players cards, you know what cards they don't have, allowing you to deduce even more information.

If anyone has a better system or does not understand the instructions please contact me.



Last modified: October 11, 2009 17:11:10 UTC

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