
This is a BETA implementation of an XSLT file to transform a citation microformat encoded XHTML file into the corresponding citation file. The DRAFT specification for citation encodings can be found at the wiki.

As the specification become less of a moving target the XSLT file will solidify.

Extract Citation from URL

Future Supported Formats


These are a few tools for anyone who wants to decode microformat Citation data.


If you want to create buttons or links to signal that a page is hCite encoded, you can link to the X2C transformation by using either of the following:


Drag this bookmarklet to the bookmarks bar so you can grab BibTeX data from any participating URL.
Extract BibTeX data (Drag link to the Bookmarks Bar)

The XSLT file used to transform the data is available at:

The XSLT files have been licensed and are available for download under the W3C Open Source License.

Last modified: October 11, 2009 17:25:30 UTC

Copyright 2002-©-2025 Brian Suda